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Here are some comments from one of our web site viewers.

Gentlemen, 11/29/06

Congratulations on having the most attractive and informative Web Site on the Buffalo Soldiers. Your site has been a valuable resource for my students. The students are amazed that such great accomplishment can be omitted from the pages of history. As a classroom teacher, I have been simply thrown-off by the lack of published information outlining the accomplishments and contributions made to our great nation by the American Buffalo Soldiers. The official 7th grade history text book for the state of Texas only devote a narrowly written paragraph to these unsung heroes of America's past. Our nation owes these brave men the dignity, honor and respect that was long denied to them. On behalf of my 130 students here at Brentwood Middle School; we are very grateful to the leadership of your organization and to your dedicated members who volunteer their time bring honor the American Buffalo Soldiers. We Can and We Will.

Please, Keep up the Good Work.

T. Wayne Austin

Edgewood ISD, San Antonio, Texas

June - August 2008

Tyler Wing Reports

Douglas historian strives to identify fallen Buffalo Soldiers



More than a dozen Buffalo Soldiers buried in a Douglas cemetery remain unmarked. Historian Silas Griffin says his objective is to give these military veterans the recognition they've earned.


Buffalo Soldiers date back to the colonial days. The first servicemen were former slaves who roamed the plains after the Civil War. Some were later called upon to protect the Arizona Mexico border during World War I.


Griffin says Apache Indians in West Texas coined the name Buffalo Soldier. "With the type of hair the African American has they somehow associated that with the buffalo.  And of course the darker skin color."


The only Buffalo Soldier decedents in the area Griffin could find say they're grateful for his work.  


Buffalo Soldiers were the first soldiers in Arizona pursuing Geronimo. They were most prominent here at the turn of the 20th century. Stationed at Ft Huachuca, they were called up to guard the border and the precious copper mines.


Their graves were left unmarked because, according to Griffin, these soldiers had no family in the area in addition to segregation and economic hardships. "These guys earned it.  They earned they're headstone so to speak."


Griffin is getting help from Congress Woman Gabrielle Giffords to finish documenting these Buffalo Soldiers. They will then apply to the Department of Veterans Affairs for the headstones.

Arizona Buffalo Soldiers Association

1201 East Michigan Street - TucsonArizona 85714

 Phone/Fax: (520) xxx-xxx   Email: azbsa@juno.com


